A Nightingale in shining armour.

Bons Secour Oncology Unit Staff Nurse Jakki Cosgrove
with Cancer Patient Aidan Murphy. 

We all know that saying, 'behind every cloud is a silver lining'. Well, wheather you can call my cloud that of my inoperative Gastro Cancer, or today's take on it (a cloud within a cloud) where my bloods today were too low for my regular infusion of Chemotherapy, which is now deferred to next (toxic) Tuesday, a BIG silver lining to me at present is my medical team in the Glasnevin suburban based Bons Secour Private Hospital. I have previously shared here on my blog, a selphie with my Oncologist Dr. Oscar Breathnach and Nursing Assisant Myra
So today, I decided it was time to formally introduce you to another of my brilliant Oncology team. 

I must admit, it did require some persuasion to get this person to come in front of the lens for me this morning. This (Dunshaughlin based) lady is a legend in my books. Wheather it was years ago, when we both volunteered on the committee of the 'Dunshaughlin Cancer Benefit Association' along with her husband Dessie and other like minded individuals or fast forward to today, where ironically she supervises each of my Chemotherapy infusions in the Bons Secour Hospital, I want you all to meet the beautiful person I affectionately call
 'Saint Jakki'. 

I might not have shown it last October, but when I got diagnosed with my inoperable Gastro Cancer, I was sent home and told to WAIT for the Irish Public Health System to kick in (I was at the time under a public hospital referral). I was back then, in my own words, bloody scared. At this time, this lady put me under her angelic wings and commenced back then what she is still doing to this very day, nursing her heart out for me. I can assure you, carrying my diagnosis can be a very lonely place indeed. You feel out on your own, you have the illness, not your friends or family. You feel lost, remember this is shocking news to get, never before envisioned, plenty of questions in the que, but no answers queuing up. 

But then, as I walk for the very first time thru the doors of the Day Oncology Unit in the Bons Secour Hospital, all of what I just mentioned, churning over and over in my demented mind, this shining light with an extremely genuine and caring smile comes over to me. Before I even think of what question to ask first, my perceived wonderings are already pre thought off and duly answered. Five minutes later, each of my newly appointed medical team are brought in to a private room and introduced to me, along with a very reassuring chronological timeline of medical events. 

All of this handled and indeed carfully choreographed by one person.
By my nurse, my friend, my councillor, my Saint. 

I respectfully present to you, Oncology Staff Nurse, Jakki Cosgrove. 

Thank You Jakki. 
(and I apologise already for any embarrassment). 


         (Click email address to say hello).


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