Friendship calls and my new G-PPIO support pin says hello.
A long lost friend sends a perfectly timed text last night.
I haven't updated my blog in a few days, mainly due to not being in the best of form. Every so often since I got ill, my tummy throws a wobbler and it's very unpleasant. I'm not going to go ultra graphic here but if I said it's a cross between having the runs and being constipated (alternating every 30mins), you will grasp the whole horrible and indeed somewhat confusion of it all. You see, it's the side affects of the tablets that cause this and it throws my mind into a somewhat 'no mans limbo'. This can happen once a week to me and over 2 hours, but this time it took 48 hours.. Horrible !!
I've said it before here, but as I am fighting this battle, my mind plays a very important role. People have and still tell me how positive my head is in all of this. I thank them for their kind words and then later during a quiet moment I tend to reflect on what we just chatted about. My mind might be a good driver but I can assure everyone here reading my blogs, Murf's mind needs a good navigator. I'm very lucky to have what I call 'multiple navigators'. Who are they ? I'll tell you who they are. They are my fantastic friends. The friends I can count on maybe two hands but what genuine quality I have in my corner. When things go tuff for me (and indeed they do), these people are here and helping. Be it a visit, text or phone call, my navigators are standing so loyal by me and by jingo do I really appreciate it.
You often hear the saying, it's only when you are in a spot of trouble, that's when you realise who (if any) who your real friends. Yes, I'll hold up my hand and quietly admit to some people to whom I thought were a true and genuine friend, actually were sadly not and in varience to this, who other folks whom I thought were just an acquaintance just happened to be that bit more, hang on, that A LOT more. Of course it's hurtful when those you thought were real friends are not. The one word I can think of is 'used' and yes, it's a sickening feeling, BUT, then there is the reciprocal and it's nice.
I'm not going to try embarrass anybody here (oh jeez, he's going to name and shame), Ha, no way, not my style, but just to paint a nice picture please, if I may:
One individual who I knew years ago, (people move out from under the wings of Mammy and Daddy, change jobs etc) got back in touch with me very recently. They are not on social media but had seen my blogs and promptly wrote me a beautiful email. In all the doom, gloom and unpleasant circumstances I had found myself in, this was such a nice, refreshingly welcome breeze to gently blow in. The unusual thing is, we don't even live that far from each other. Yes, it took a horrible thing to happen for me to write a blog and kick off a chain of events for us both to get reacquainted but that re-connecting is the silver lining in all of this and its beautiful. Last night, things were not at all good here in the tummy upset dept and then 'ding-ding', I got a very thoughtful text come in and yes from this person. Perfect timing and yes, this all helped me calm down and get myself back to normality and I did !!
The beautiful new G-PPIO lapel pin.
You can have one too.
My new lapel pin which I spent most of Christmas Eve designing, made the cut and got delivered this week. I love it. I never knew until I researched it, that every form of cancer has it's very own ribbon colour. This lapel pin is very important to me. It took a big effort to nail this design and to be fair these (silk screen process) metal lapel pins are not cheap to manufacture or indeed ship. Yes, I am happy to send you one, but I do ask you put a few bob in the donation box. This pin is really neat and tidy and at 32mm in height, it is a perfect unobtrusive size. Each donation I receive will go 100% to re-order new pins when needed. Remember to include your mailing address on a side note with your donation and I will personally look after the rest. Please do bear in mind I only use proper bubble-wrap envelopes and that it is more expensive for me to send outside of Europe. So that everyone that wants my lapel pin gets one, I send one pin per person. Thank you for your understanding. 😀
I'll leave this here before I go..
I don't have all the answers
I never said I do
But if you are fighting cancer like me
I can perhaps help with a thing or two.
You see I have it a number of weeks now
It's scary that's for sure
But I've built up a cunning knowledge
A fix, an answer? We all want a cure.
Yes I've got sick from it all up and down
It's draining, no surer thing
But I'm here to help and share with you
Please ask me, I like to bring.
So if you're going thru it all
Be it family or friend from
Chat to me, I want to help you
Just write to my email Hello at
Thanks as always for reading my blog.
Very Best Regards,
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