A Nightingale in shining armour.
Bons Secour Oncology Unit Staff Nurse Jakki Cosgrove with Cancer Patient Aidan Murphy. We all know that saying, 'behind every cloud is a silver lining'. Well, wheather you can call my cloud that of my inoperative Gastro Cancer, or today's take on it (a cloud within a cloud) where my bloods today were too low for my regular infusion of Chemotherapy, which is now deferred to next (toxic) Tuesday, a BIG silver lining to me at present is my medical team in the Glasnevin suburban based Bons Secour Private Hospital. I have previously shared here on my blog, a selphie with my Oncologist Dr. Oscar Breathnach and Nursing Assisant Myra . So today, I decided it was time to formally introduce you to another of my brilliant Oncology team. I must admit, it did require some persuasion to get this person to come in front of the lens for me this morning. This (Dunshaughlin based) lady is a legend in my books. Wheather it was years ago, when we both volunteered on the...