For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.
That statement we all make on front of our close family and friends when we get married.
But to be brutally honest, how many of us think these lines will ever form a reality?
Not Me !
I've enjoyed excellent health, including pro-active visits to my Doc. I purposely lost 5 stone in weight a few years ago. An avid swimmer and brisk walker, it kept the weight off, and I enjoyed doing it.
I had my bloods checked for prostate cancer only last year.
So when the health boat rocks, after oneself, it's the husband, wife, partner that gets hit with a bloody big wave.
A wave that can and does come out of nowhere.
I can tell you now, in no uncertain terms, Alison my wife has grasped this nettle by the neck, and she's not letting go. Although I maybe the patient, there's a crack team of Dr's and nurses around me and they're armed with a plan to deal with my illness and all within the strong foundation of a fantastic hospital, the Bons Secour in Dublin.
But where's Alison's plan and it's custodian?
You see, there isn't one, is there ?
Don't get me wrong, the Ryan family have rallied around their sister, niece and cousin and done so in what I can only describe with military precision and acumen.
If I wake up at night, Alison is there "all ok?" This could be anytime.
I've 18 tablets to take over a 12 hour period, Alison keeping a close and watchful eye on which one is next.
That daily injection, is it done ?
Keeping me in a constant supply of water before I even know to refill.
The words bravery and legend don't even come close to it, how could they!
This is when I think again of the lines in the title of this post.
and think back to our wedding day, it'll never happen to us...
So on the off days or times, I just think of what Alison has committed too and how she's setting
that opening statement on fire, 'for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health'.
There and then, I put my mind into reverse trust and put myself back in a winning place.
A place where my wife is firmly placed and is part of a brilliant beacon of light to me, a beautiful light.
It's this light that's going to be working magic for me. It's this light that's the second part of my unfinished sentence, the other part of my thoughts, the finishing part of my feelings and a big part of the winning of this.
We'll nail this sucker Ali.