Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases but its not all bad.
I didn't think I would have an update to blog about today, but funny how things transpire.
The first part of the day was going to be busy, the highlight being a scheduled appointment with my GP re a form filling excercise I needed ticked off.
When you are on chemotherapy, your white blood cell count is low which has the immediate knock on affect of lowering your immune system and basically puts you in the firing line for picking up infections a lot quicker and easier than you normally would.
So the plan this morning, which I passed with my Dr's secretary, if my GP's waiting room is busy, I'll be waiting in the car, rather than run any risk of picking up an infection.
On arrival, the surgery was quiet, one person in the waiting room and that lady was waiting on her husband.
So me being me and not backward in coming forward, we start chatting. Within 10 minutes, I knew about her husbands recent victory with cancer and this lady knew about my newly acquired enemy. Our conversation though was pretty surreal. It was like I knew this person already and we were just continuing a conversation that we started some other time. The truth is, we never met each other before in our life.
I don't need to go into what was discussed, but it was a very mutual, beneficial conversation to us both. I know just know we both got something out of our chat. I even took a FaceTime (Apple video call) during our chat where I introduced this woman in the waiting room to a very good Italian friend of mine, Nicole Bonanno. Nicole's husband is Paolo Bonanno, a world authority on the invention and design of the modern day Hot Air Balloon burner. Paolo designed the burner I fly with.
Within what felt like 5 minutes (probably 20 minutes) and I'm called by my Doc.
We wished each other the best of luck in the waiting room, and I stood up with a load taken off my shoulders, which I really wasn't expecting, and the rest as they history.
So lovely to have your day brightened - and her day definitely brightened by two souls meeting for a chat over the wheres and what's that Life brings to different people in all walks of life cuz. Nothing less ... Nothing more. But nice.