Paying it forward after being framed. Everybody wins today.
My framed order, the cost of which I was asked to pay-forward
to my own choice of good cause.
I'm not sure about you, but for me personally, I tend to recognise nice people when I see them.
(The inverse works too by the way, just to be mindful of that). What I'm really saying, I do make that extra effort with people when I get that gut feeling that's telling me there's something nice going on here. With that in mind, I have been dealing with Navan based picture framing company
'Callan & Harte' for a number of years now.
It didn't take long, over a foray of ballooning seasons, before we were all on first name terms.
On occasions, walking in to their showroom, I would hear Jennifer, Karen or Finian enthusiastically ask me "Well Aidan, what nice piece of ballooning photography have you brought in to us to frame today". I would invariably answer with: "Can you supply a new wall too please...".
Over the course of this summer, saw me pop in and out of my favourite framers, where one day, one word borrowed another and within that same week, we were singing Happy Birthday to Finian at 1,200 feet in the balloon basket on a very scenic flight from Bellinter House Hotel, over Kentstown and on over the stunning grounds of Ballymagarvey Village. It was a cracking flight, and with Finian's background in architecture, this was a real treat for him, an added 3rd dimension if you like
Framed Forward & Everybody Wins.
Roll on today and I drop in to collect my last 2016 framed piece of work. Jennifer announces a twist, "Regarding the price Aidan, don't give the money to us, I want you to pass it on to your own personal choice of a worthy cause, Oh and have a great Christmas".
What a sobering thought to jolt my Chemo infused mind. It just took minutes for it to click.
The Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People was my chosen landing spot. Ironically, run by the Capuchin's, the same order of St. Padre Pio and also, my employer PayPal could safely handle this donated transaction and duly did!
Please god, I'll smash this tumour to pieces.
I'll get back in the air.
I've Wheelchair's to fly and unflown photos to frame.
Click the link above for a short Christmas message from Brother Kevin.
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Think again of clicking that donation link above.
Oh, if not already done...
..Go on, please consider it.
PS: I think Callan & Harte spelled their 'H' word wrong ❤️
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