Chemo settles, Lapland checks in and I tick a Random Act of Kindness


Having had my last blast of Chemotherapy last Tuesday morning, today was as predicted, the best day. 
My emotions were, shall we say highly delicate up to last night. Today, plenty of pins and needles in my fingers, toes, ears and nose (bodily extremities), all known Chemo side affects but only when out in the cool air. 

With my two ladies having left for Santa in Lapland this morning, I was just so happy to see the early morning excitement reach its climax.  Alison my wife needs this break so much, the last thing that would have been sought was a liability like me tagging along. As for Aoife, imagine you or me being 9 again ? That's all that's needed to be said here. This festive polar getaway is about these 2 legends in my life getting this break and enjoying it. I'll check in tomorrow with them, but I suspect they are having a ball. 

STOP PRESS: The first photo of Alison & Aoife comes while this blog is written. 
Photo: Laura Sherlock-Woodruffe

Back to ground zero and I'm being well minded here, Alison's sisters are ticking all the serious care options with me. Geraldine, a qualifed State Registered Nurse is on sleepover status. Keeping a watch full eye on what tablets are taken and when plus liasing with my pharmacy for what's needed and what's required later re stock levels over the holiday period. Alison's other sister Ann took over day duty today, which involved a beautiful tasty lunch in The Snailbox with Aunty Olive and of course all observed and managed under the ever watchful hospitality eyes and very hands on owner, Philip Foster. Thanks Ann for the lunchtime treat. Just Yum. 

We had just started our munching in The Snailbox when the table next to us was taken. A young man, I assume an on the road company representitive from Glanbia, sat down, ordered his lunch and began to setup his laptop after enquiring what the wifi code was. I had just been there and done that with my smartphone and decided to cut to the chase and politely inform the chap that the wifi signal was perhaps on its lunch break too. I noticed he had an iPhone so I offered to sync his laptop wirelessly with his handset and let his SIM card in his phone route the internet connection to his laptop and thus bypass the issue with the resident wifi.
Within a few minutes I could hear his laptop pinging away with those presumably important lunchtime email catch-ups. The contentment I could see on his face, he could relax and enjoy his lunch.  
He was very appreciative of the favour and I get this reciprocal 'feel good' feeling. Love it !!

We ended up parting ways and I gave him one of my newly printed cards, explaining:

 "I have nothing to sell you, but I have a story you might like to read"

So if you are reading this blog Sir, "Hello [Patrick's Iphone]" 😀

Thanks for reading my blog folks. 



  1. By the way Aidan I continue to wear my lapel badge and lots of people ask me about it and I fill them in. Spread the good stuff!!! P


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