The Birthday Boy today, Toxic Tuesday tomorrow and searching for what's next.
Click HERE to play this short video piece . Today 49 years ago, I made my dear late Mum both laugh and cry at the same time. You wouldn't think it today, but I was born 6 weeks premature. Roll on to the present and I can assure you I have still no patience and am a stickler for time keeping. Mind you, I was 20mins late for a (non urgent) appointment this morning but still my mind still sees this as a big deal. I think it's a premature baby thing. If I was a lecturer today, I would be adding the words, "please discuss" lol. I always believe actions speak louder than words, so with that in mind, do please click the above link to play this short video. I preferred on this occasion to use my birthday to add some sentiments and of course shed a thought or three on the amazing support I am currently getting from everyone. The Birthday today was just fabolous. The day just flew by. I met up with 2 separate individuals who I haven...