Paying back a Pal and then a scan is summoned.
You know what they say, when the going gets tough, the tough get going... One of the very first entities to come to my rescue when I got hammered with my diagnosis, was my employer ‘PayPal’. A big and indeed very sucessful organisation where it could be very easy for me to become a barcode, never mind a number. But this was never going to happen, not with PayPal. These people have been instrumental in taking my background stress away from me. Paying me full salary for over six months and are still to this day paying not just my healthcare plan, but that of Aoife and Alison’s also. I can assure you, not many employers here in Ireland put their head above the parapit and do this and I can certainly testify to that. My current WEEKLY healthcare bill alone is €1,050. This is every week and for now, no sign of it changing. But via our paid for healthcare cover, Paypal have this sorted ! It was only then right and fitting that I be able and indeed allowed at least try and give something back...